Shadow Wars For Me, But Not For Thee

The United States won the West, specifically California, with an early form of what Sean McFate would refer to as “shadow warfare.” Putin did something similar in Crimea in 2014. Rather than decry it impotently, the United States should wage its own shadow war in defense of its allies (until Washington and Moscow can actually create a workable peace deal between themselves, that is).

Jimmy Carter: The Indecisive Hawk

“Thus, Jimmy Carter was an indecisive hawk whose legacy will plague this country for decades to come. Thankfully, his was but one term in office. What fail few to grasp is just how dangerous hawkishness can be–especially when it is embraced by an unserious president, like Carter. Although, indecision is a real killer of presidencies.”

Caution Killed George H.W. Bush’s Presidency

“But, because George H.W. Bush was more concerned with playing petty politics based on short-term assumptions, rather than acting boldly and taking the licks for his decisions. Even his actions in Desert Storm were indecisive, which created many more problems for the United States in the long-run than there otherwise would have been. This is why George H.W. Bush’s presidency was an unmitigated failure (to say nothing of his domestic failures).”

Space-Based Missile Defense Needed NOW!

“Investing in space-based missile defense will be the leapfrog that the United States needs to maintain its dominance and secure itself from a world gone haywire.”

Repeal the Leahy Law

“Should the United States fully adhere to the Leahy Law and only support democratic regimes, it would find itself losing out in the grand, geopolitical game. Or worse, it might end up supporting the very same regimes that it must protect itself from (as former President Obama briefly did when he supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s takeover of Egypt during the Arab Spring).”

D-Day Would Be Impossible Today

“The Americans and British judiciously used time, geography, and force to their extreme advantage during World War II. In Afghanistan, however, the United States never took the time to analyze the situation from a strategic view. Rather than recognizing how America’s partners, such as Pakistan, could have fully assisted the war effort (had we simply made a deal with the Taliban, Pakistan’s client in Afghanistan) and remained tightly focused on al Qaeda, who knows how differently our history would have turned out?”