Biden Delays Chinese Military-Related Investment Ban – NTD

Kevin Hogan of NTV sat down with geopolitical analyst, Brandon J. Weichert, to discuss the Biden Administration’s recent decision to delay a Trump Administration executive order banning the purchase of defense-related products from China by the United States Department of Defense.

China’s Space Dream is America’s Nightmare

The Chinese have a plan for global domination. Space plays a key role in their ambitions. Not only do they hope to become the seat of technological innovation and advancement, but Beijing also dreams of knocking the US from its dominant position in orbit by targeting US satellite constellations and by becoming the premiere power exploiting the natural resources of space.

American Tech Firms Surrender to China

The ability to design and manufacture advanced computer chips has yet to be mastered by China. It is the last major technological advantage the West has over China/. Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) just undercut that advantage earlier this year. Things are about to get ugly, as I write in my column at The American Spectator.

Deregulation Will Keep U.S. Biotech Out of China

It is only through competition with China in the biotech market that Washington will ensure advanced capabilities are not so readily handed over to Chinese biotech firms (and, therefore, the Chinese military). In this way we may slow China’s development into a biotechnology superpower and give ourselves the time we need to better compete with China in this vital area.